Our Young Boys Need Your Support!

Help our young boys grow and develop into AWESOME young men!

Our Young Boys Need Your Support! image

A GREAT OPPORTUNITY to contribute to the growth and development of teenage boys!

There are many worthy philanthropic organizations in Memphis and throughout the nation; The Brotherhood B2M Memphis is one of those organizations. We are a nonprofit organization whose focus lies in fostering the personal growth and development of teenage boys through a comprehensive approach we call Personal Leadership Development, or simply Personal Development. Our mission is to help guide teenage boys down the path to becoming respectful, productive, and successful young men.

When you choose to donate to The Brotherhood, you are making a direct and significant impact on the lives of our boys and the entire Memphis community. Your contribution supports the development of enriching educational and leadership activities, the expansion of our mentorship program, career exploration activities, and some of our essential operating costs. Your investment in The Brotherhood is an investment in a brighter future for our boys and our community.

We firmly believe that there is no greater or more impactful investment of your time and resources than in the growth and development of young teenage boys. These formative years are crucial in shaping their character, values, and future trajectory. By empowering them with the skills, knowledge, and support they need to thrive, we are not only transforming individual lives but also paving the way for a brighter, more promising future for our society as a whole.

So please consider supporting our work with your financial contributions. Our boys truly need our help!